Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why you should buy the cohort jersey

OK, I'm bored. So... here's a list of why you should buy the cohort jersey (for the benefit of those who are still thinking...)
The list has no ranking. It's just what comes to my mind first. Haha...

1. It is our FIRST, and most probably (100%?) LAST cohort jersey
2. You can wear it when we have the usual soccer games at the cage, or anywhere else
3. It could be a event shirt, wear it during one of the few events we can organise
4. It is a symbol to mark the days you were in this poly, in this course, in this cohort
5. You finally have your first/another custom-made jersey
6. It gives you a sense of belonging to another community
7. You can shop for one shirt lesser
8. You no longer have to rack your brains so hard to think what to wear for school. People will not mind if you wear this jersey every other day. (wash it though...)
9. Walk with pride. You are from FSV!
10. Remember the days when you still wears a uniform to school? It'll be the same. (In a POSITIVE way)

I'll add if I think of more. Haha...

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