Thursday, May 1, 2008

Ryan's Farewell Party: Where to eat??

ello... will make this short and sweet.

Would like to know where you guys wanna have dinner for the party. These are some of the places that we can think of.

1. Sakura Buffet @ Clementi Woods
2. Seoul Gardens Dinner Buffet
3. Botak Jones @ Clementi

Let us know your choice by 25th May 2008, Monday. Coz we would like to place a table reservation so that we will surely have a seat when we get there. =)

Gonna put up a poll so you can pick your choice. Jump to the POLL

And sms or email me ( or hui min ( to confirm that you'll be going to the Farewell Dinner on 30th May, Friday.

Venue: ??
Who's invited: FSV COHORT 2006-2009

thank yous!!

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