Friday, June 6, 2008

*..Peer Evaluation forms for AFP #1..*

Helloo everyone!

*throws confetti*...IT'S THE HOLIDAYSSS! for the next 2 weeks, ALAS! but sian, so many things to do before sch starts! =( at least time's more flexible now! OTOT! Own time, own target. And as uncle calvin would say: "HORRIDAYS"

okay so the peer evaluation I circulated to some of you apparently isn't the one AFP lecturers want. OOPS. LCM uploaded a new one on MEL, under COURSE DOCUMENTS..He asked me to remind everyone to submit a soft copy of that evaluation form via email, to your respective lecturer (LCM or Leonard) So even if you've done the old one, must also re do this and re-submit!

Meanwhile, happy holidays dear all! =)

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