Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ryan's farewell party! 30th May 2008

Hey Ppl, remember the farewell party that we were planning for Ryan since X years ago?

It's been finalized!
Ok, the plan is, on the 30th of May, Ryan will be receiving his award for "Teacher of the Year" during the FMS Graduation ceremony. He hopes that we FSV ppl could go and cheer for him. Therefore, if you guys/gals could make it, please do go down and cheer for him. :D

If you can't make it, it's alright but after that in the evening is the farewell party that Qam n I are currently planning.
We hope the group of us can turn up in the evening in the designated place (still pending) to have dinner together with Ryan.

Currently, we need to know how many people can make it for the dinner so we can make the necessary reservations and planning. Please do RSVP me or Qamariah after you've read this post. Can email/msn/tag here... Thx!!!

The location is still pending but we'll get back with it asap. Keep reading this blog for details. :D

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