Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Friday = Exercise day???

Yo ppl, I'm afraid there's a need for this reminder... Despite the fact that many ppl are dreading it... ( least myself. Haha...)

Yes, NAFA is coming...!!!
Therefore, for the sake of our health (and the results...maybe...) we are going jogging this friday! Haha... So, we invite all hu's interested to join. Hmmm... btw, it's a session to train your own body and not to show off or what so no worries k? You can go there and walk de.. Like me. Hee... Details below!

Event: Exercising (jog, walk, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, dancing, whatever you can think of doing)
Date/Time: 2/5/08 (Friday), 5pm
Venue: School sports complex, track area
Who's invited: Everyone who's "on"

So, stop thinking of excuses to escape!
Even I'm jogging.. What do you think?

Guys, we need to collect the jersey money asap (on friday in fact) so... it's S$27.50/pax pls. (we are splitting Ryan's and Chandler's)
Thank you very very much for the cooperation! :D (domo arigatou gozaimasu!!!)

1 comment:

qaMMie said...

Had fun jogging and playing basketball!!! i'm a lousy basketball player!!! roflz

maybe we should reserve every Friday evenings for this kind of activity. hee hee... =p